Steve's Progress with OCA

This blog is for the learning log for Steve Estill's progress in the study for the BA in Photography with OCA.

The first Module was Photography 1 - The Art Of Photography.
The second module was Photography 1 - Digital Photographic Practice - started in January 2012 and finished in May
For the third module see the new blog at

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Exercise 29 - Rhythms and patterns

The first image of this exercise shows rhythm.

I used a Neutral Density filter (+8 stops) with the camera exposure pushed by 2 stops to enable a 3 second exposure for this image. The intention was to cause a blurring of the breaking waves around these old groynes, and to accentuate their line and shapes. Originally these posts would have been all the same height with planks fitted between the pairs of uprights. With time they have eroded to what they are today – the planking has long gone and the regular pairs have become a more interesting line, leading down to the deeper water. 

I think this portrays rhythm due to the perceived regular distances between the uprights, even though they are all slightly different. There’s also movement in the water and a strong diagonal line leading the eye into the picture. 

The next image is an example of pattern.

This image was taken in the gents toilets on the car park at Sandsend after taking the images of the groynes. You can get some strange looks using a camera in a toilet!
The pattern is caused by the glass lattice work in the window which faces the car park.
I like the way that the uniform shapes of the window give a slightly different view of what’s in the car park. Starting from the left and moving to the right, there’s more of the grey car to be seen, which gets less as the eye moves right – the amount of floor available increases. Moving down from top and moving down, the same effect is evident but with different distortion. 
The rectangles are all the same size and form a latticework while the individual images change slightly.

I’ve enjoyed the work in the whole of this section. It’s shown me how to use the various elements in the design and composition of my images. Even if I was creating good images before, I’ve now got a set of design elements which could make them more repeatable.

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